Wednesday, November 2, 2011

St George Runners Series

For the past 2 years, a friend of mine has tried to get me to sign up for the Runners Series. Each year I have had excuses, but this year I decided to go for it. There are 850 spots, and they filled up in 5 minutes after the registration opened. Believe it or not, I am one of the 850!!!!! So what does this mean? Lots and lots of Running! I have to run 2 races in St. George before next October. I am going to do the St George Half marathon in January. I ran it last year and LOVED it. Can't wait to do it again this year. I am also planning to run the Hurrican Half in April. Those two races qualify me for an automatic spot in the St George Marathon (which is not easy to get into. They do a lottery every year because they have so many applicants). I still can't believe I am guaranteed a spot. 26.2 miles... 13 is the farthest I have ever run at one time in the last 3 1/2 years I have been running. It is going to be a huge challenge, but I think I am up for it:)

Once I am done with that, I am going to run Ragnar. It is usually the end of October here. I have also had my running friends try to convince me, but this year we were going to Disneyland. I have agreed to do it next year, because I figure with all of these races I will definitely be conditioned for a 2 day relay race... at least I hope I will be!

The more I think about it.. the more I wonder ' what have I gotten myself into -lol' Keep me in your prayers... I think I am going to need them:)

Preschool update

I know I posted about Evan going to preschool, but forgot to update with Kendal. In the co-op we do, one boy moved away. That just left us with Evan and another little boy. Both boys have younger sisters the same age, so we decided to include them. That would give each of us mom's two days a week without any kids. It is perfect, for us -and the kids. They love their preschool time, and we love our kid-less time! It is only every other week since it rotates between our two houses, but those weeks are definitely cherished. I have been able to volunteer at the school, which I love. I haven't really been able to do that since I have always had little ones at home.

So here are my two cuties, ready to head off to preschool together - Oh, and Evan no longer refers to it as 'fake school'. Phew.. I thought he was on to me for a minute there:)

Another year with the Rams

Cade played for the Rams again this year. He was their QB for the second year in a row (he is #1 in the pic below). It's been a pretty good season so far. They are 5-3 with playoffs this Saturday. They got rid of their horrible offensive coach, so this has definitely been a better season for Cade. He will be putting more updates on his blog after the season is over, so head on over there:)


Halloween parade at school

Followed by classroom parties

Then out for Trick or Treating in the neighborhood with friends

Trunk or Treat/Ward Party

While Kendal was at the Trunk or Treat she wanted me to carry her at first. Once she realized she was missing out on all of the candy, she decided to walk. After the first person gave her candy, she looked up at me and said "Yes, I love this!!" Love that funny girl!

Kendal's Birthday trip to Disneyland

We didn't plan for it to happen on her birthday exactly, but it worked out that way. Some friends of ours were coming through Vegas on their way to Disneyland. We decided to run away for a day and go with them.

These two girls are BFF's. They had such a great time together. I wish we lived closer!

It was another great trip to Disneyland. We love it (as I am sure you all know by now:) Out of all of the times we have gone, this was the first time in October. I love all of the fall decorations. I did get a little teary eyed while we were there though. One of our favorite rides has always been Soarin over California. Since we started going on it, we have always had a kid that was too small to ride, so Bryce and I have spent lots of time waiting outside to do the switch with the kids. This time, Kendal was finally tall enough to ride. So we all went on as a family, no more waiting outside under the mister. As we were coming off, I was all teary eyed just realizing how fast time goes by, considering Evan and Kendal weren't even born when I was first waiting outside the ride with Haylee. Now, they are both big enough that we can all go together. I guess it doesn't really have so much to do with ride itself, but more of a reality check of just how fast our kids really do grow up. It used to seem like it would be forever until we could all go on together as a family, and now that its here, I look back and realize just how fast time really does go by. It wont be long before we dont have to wait out with the kids on any of the rides.. I'm sure I will bring on the full tears for that. Ha - just kidding (sort of:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Girls' Birthdays

Haylee turned 8 & Kendal turned 4!!

Haylee had a 'Girly spa day' with her friends, which also included Kendal

We did hair, nails, had yummy smelling lotion and lip gloss.

These cute girls were hard at work!

The girls also decorated their own frames. We took pictures of each girl with Haylee, and Bryce printed them during the party. By the time the party was over, they each left with their own frame and picture with Haylee. They turned out so cute!

Kendal got her birthday wish (thanks to some friends coming through town and heading to Disneyland) We went with them for a day, which happened to be right on her birthday! This was one happy little 4 year old!

I can't believe my girls are growing up so fast! Haylee is excited to get baptised on Saturday. My girls are so amazing and caring. I love these two, and I am so thankful for everything they add to our family!

Catching up.. the Boys' birthdays

Cade turned 11 & Evan turned 5!!

We celebrated birthdays at home with our family - and managed to get some pictures of just how much my cute kiddos do love each other:)

Of course, their silliness came shining through!

Evan decided he wanted to take Conrad with him to Chuck-e-Cheese this year. Cade wanted to take JD to play laser tag that is right next door. I figured it was perfect, accomplish 2 things at once! We all started here for pizza, drinks and games.

Then these two boys headed off with Bryce to play laser tag.

I can't believe another year has gone by. I love my boys with all my heart. They are my football fanatics. They keep me dodging footballs all day and night as they play endless games in the house (and have for years.) I hope they continue to grow up being good buddies, and I'm sure that football is just another link that will keep them together:)