Sunday, April 29, 2012

Exploring St George

Grandma Jenkins took us exploring on Saturday after the race. This place was so cool and the kids loved hiking and exploring the caves.

Cade took my camera to the top and got a few pictures - love the view!

I love my cute mom. We had so much fun this weekend!

 The kids practically lived in the pool. They swam several times a day, everyday that we were there

 We took a break long enough to go to dinner at Golden Corral. We don't have one in Vegas, so we go every time we are in St. George for a race. It has turned into a tradition.

Then it was back to the pool for more swimming. The weather was so warm, the kids spent almost the whole weekend outside.

 Kendal is such a crack up. This little girl is always making me smile.

Before we left to come home, we all went to Brigham Young's home and took the tour. It was really cool to get to see and hear all about the history of St. George and the church. This tree behind us got struck by lightning in 1972, and is held together by that steel rod and cement inside of the tree. We were all so impressed that it was even possible- it was completely split down the middle.

We just drove past the temple this time. I promised the kids we would walk the grounds again next time. They all love this temple and walking around it. It has definitely turned out to be one of our favorite temples!

Hurricane Utah Half Marathon

I must be crazy, running another half marathon only 3 months after the last one. This one was tough because of the wind. I ran directly into it for the first 8 miles, but at least I wasn't sick, it wasn't 30 degrees, and it wasn't raining. Big difference from my last race.

My awesome family (minus Bryce) that came out to cheer me on (or just barely make it in time to see me cross the finish line:) Just glad they at least made it for that!

Beautiful sunrise over the lake.

This hill was insane. The elevation climbed 400ft in 3/4 mile. The picture doesn't do it justice at all. It was huge!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fun Times

First it was Flip N Out, then to McDonalds for lunch. Then a few days later, it was Crystal Palace for some skating with Amaya's family.
These boys are always together. Can't believe they are ready to start Middle School soon!

Cade and Kendal trying to convince Evan to skate Lol! I love the looks on their faces:)

He eventually did skate, but would only go around with Jake since Bryce wasn't there.
Kendal was such a dare devil - this girl was all over the skating rink. She was even out in the middle, and didn't care that she was constantly almost getting run over by the big kids!

A Car Accident - A parents' worst Nightmare!

It's a good thing this one was fake! We all went to Bryce's school this weekend to volunteer. The graduating class of Medic's is working on their trauma senarios. We came with both of our cars, and set up an accident scene. Bryce and the boys T-boned my car that us girls were riding in. First, we started with the make-up.

Check out the gun shot wound in the background. They did a good job in the make up dept.

Then it was out to the scene.In the senario, Cade was put on the stretcher first, since he was in the front seat without a seatbelt. His head hit the windshield. I was pregnant, and my stomach hit the steering wheel, so I was freaking out about the baby. Haylee was a fatality in our car (which completely freaked me out each time I heard the different groups say that she was "gone". Not something a mom wants to hear, even if it is just fake. Anyway, my kids learned a lot about safety that day, and will probably never forget to put on a seatbelt again!
Haylee in her role. She liked it because all she had to do was sit like this, and not talk or respond to anyone Lol.

Egg Coloring and Hunting

Easter morning- Hunting for eggs