Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Lightning Theif

For FHE this week, we went to see the new Percy Jackson movie (thanks Kira for the invite:) The kids had a great time with their friends - and so did the parents!

This is where Kendal and I ended up for the last half of the movie. She is still a little too young to sit for that long, so we ended up out in the hallway. She loved this display, as the seat was just her size. You can tell from the look on her face how much fun she was having!

Happy V-Day!

The kids with their V-day plates, cups and straws with their dinner.

I don't know what the deal is lately with Evan and his choice of clothing (or lack of) in these pictures (see next post).

We topped off our dinner with this yummy white chocolate popcorn. Thanks Tina for the recipe - it was so good!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Just some random pictures from January

Our New Years Eve celebration

I laughed at this picture and debated on posting it. I swear we did not dress Evan like this (shirt tucked into pants that are too short, with a belt over pants that dont even have belt loops).. he is a VERY independent 3 year old. However, I do not let him leave the house looking this way:)

Jessie, Eric and Heather all stopped by on their way up to BYU. It also happened to be Jessie's birthday, so Bryce made her a cake. Haylee said it was the best cake she has EVER had, lol.

Kendal helping Jess blow out the candles

She also had to help with the birthday lick:)

On the 28th, I turned the big 3-0! This was my surpise from Bryce and the kids (excuse the messy kitchen - but I guess when you blog you get the good and the bad- right??)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I do in my (not so) spare time..

Once upon a time, I actually used to be pretty crafty. Over the years, all of the kids have taken away my free time, and I pretty much used the excuse of being too busy to make anything. I would just pay other people to make all of the cute, crafty stuff. However, being a family of 6 with a dad that is in college I no longer have the luxury of paying other people to make things like this. Now I have to find time to make things myself if I want them...so, here they are. My first attempts at some bows and flowers for the girls hair. I think they turned out pretty cute, and were incredibly CHEAP to make:)

This one is my favorite so far-
Kendal has been wearing her valentine bow, and I obviously need to make hers a little stronger to withstand a 2 year old constantly pulling and messing with it!

I have a few other cute bows I want to try out. I'll post them once I get them made (assuming they look half-way decent:)