Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I do in my (not so) spare time..

Once upon a time, I actually used to be pretty crafty. Over the years, all of the kids have taken away my free time, and I pretty much used the excuse of being too busy to make anything. I would just pay other people to make all of the cute, crafty stuff. However, being a family of 6 with a dad that is in college I no longer have the luxury of paying other people to make things like this. Now I have to find time to make things myself if I want, here they are. My first attempts at some bows and flowers for the girls hair. I think they turned out pretty cute, and were incredibly CHEAP to make:)

This one is my favorite so far-
Kendal has been wearing her valentine bow, and I obviously need to make hers a little stronger to withstand a 2 year old constantly pulling and messing with it!

I have a few other cute bows I want to try out. I'll post them once I get them made (assuming they look half-way decent:)


Ingrid said...

They turned out so cute! I am impressed that you found time to make them... working, four kids and everything else you do. Let's get together before we move.

sarah donaldson said...

very cute Staci!

Kim Bee said...

so i finally remembered to add your fam to my blog list and can now "blogstalk" you because I seriously only ever see you in passing.....Hiiiieeeeee!!! the bows - ive had stuff in a bag for about 6 months now with the intention of making some - sad!

Johnson Family said...

How cute, but I don't think they'd go over too well at my house :)