Thursday, August 27, 2009

We must be crazy.....

Here is our newest addition to the family. This cute little puppy we named Sparks. Some guy at football practice asked Bryce if he wanted him, as he lives in the apartments across the street and couldn't keep him. So, I got a phone call seeking my approval. I said we would take him for a probationary period. The owner agreed and gave us his phone number. Well, here we are one week later, and he is definately a keeper. He is so sweet, and the kids LOVE him (sometimes too much, especially Kendal when she tries to carry him around by his neck:O

Spirit has been great with him, and patient when Sparks gets a little spunky and tries to mess with him. They are so cute when they play together.

I keep thinking we must be crazy... a house with 4 kids and two dogs can get very loud and very crazy at times, but I know I wouldn't want it any other way:)

Football Season #3

Cade got a call from his coach for the Giants, asking him to come back and play for them again this year. This is such a great team, and now he has moved up a division, so he is playing with the 9-11 year olds. Bryce has also been coaching this team, and loving every second of it!

Cade and Derek. These two were buddies when we first moved to Vegas and Cade was only 2 years old. Derek's family moved to California, and back just a few months ago when his mom got remarried. They live on the other side of town but both ended up on the same team. I am so glad to have Rebecca (his mom) back. She is one of those friends who you learn so much from and never forget. She is amazing!
It's still strange to see these two together and so grown up!

It should be an awesome season. I can't wait until they start their games in a few weeks!

First Day of School

Here is my Kindergarten girl, and my big 3rd grader!

Haylee with her teacher and friend Claudia.

These girls are so cute together.

This is the group of kids in our ward that are also in Kindergarten together.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


What does the cute little guy in this picture.....

have to do with the SUV in this picture??? The cute little guy decided to take it for a drive the other day, right into the neighbors yard. Yep, you read that right. A couple of days ago, I decided to go vacuum my car around 8:30 in the morning. I didn't tell the kids because they were all playing so well together, I thought I could get away with just sneaking out. So I grabbed my keys and the vacuum, and out I went.
I remember I just set my keys on the front seat. I finished vacuuming the 3rd row, and climbed out, only to catch a glance of Evan sitting in the drivers seat. As I turned off the vacuum, I heard the radio on and realized he had put my keys into the ignition (but hadn't actually started the car, just turned the key enough to turn on the radio). The next thing I knew he had managed to put my car in reverse, and down the driveway it went. Seriously. My car, down the driveway with Evan in the drivers seat. This would be where I completely started to panic! I guess I should also point out that our driveway is on an incline. That means it was gaining some serious speed as it passed my by. I started screaming, as I was frantically trying to figure out how to stop my car from crashing into the house across the street. I caught up to my car as it was about half way across the street, grabbed the handle to open the door and jumped into the passenger side. I knew I would never be able to reach the brake in time, so I reached over and threw the car into park. My car made a terrible sound, but we had stopped, thankfully. We were halfway up the neighbors yard, with several feet to spare before we hit his house.
I put the car in drive, and drove it back across the street. Evan realized he was in some serious trouble as he climbed out of the car with his eyes covered saying "are you mad at me"? I don't think I stopped shaking for at least 20 minutes. I went to the neighbors house and smoothed out my tire marks in his desert landscaping, and took my car for a drive. It's fine, thankfully no permanent damage.
I love my little Evan, but he is giving us a run for our money every single day. The tough thing is, he will be in so much trouble, and then give us this sweet little smile that just melts your heart. This time the smile didn't go over so well. However, we survived another day, and he officially made it to his 3rd birthday.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An August full of celebrations!

It all started with Bryce's 30th birthday. He has officially said goodbye to his 20's:( He did get a yummy dessert and some cute cards from the kids though.

Cade's arm that is stopping Evan from blowing out the candles, lol.

The next day it was on to Cade's 9th birthday.

This is his 'I can't believe I just got an Xbox 360' smile.

On Saturday we celebrated his birthday in a combined birthday party with his friend Zach. It was at the Mini Grand Prix.

These two also had a pretty good time.

Cade and Zach blowing out the candles on their cake.

and then diggin' in.

Haylee and Alyssa had so much fun going from ride to ride.

Of course, she was just a little too short to go on most of them, so guess who got to go with her...
Here we are on the most ricketty (sp?) rollercoaster. I think we went at least 5 times.

Cade and Bennet loved it!

Then we moved on to Evan's birthday. This picture was taken at 10:00 at night, and Kendal was already in bed (our nephew Josh is in town, that is why the kids are all so alert and happy this late at night)

Here is my big 3 year old with his cake.

Opening presents, he loved everything he got. Thanks grandma's and grandpa's for your gifts as well.

I love all of my boys, and love that they get to celebrate their birthdays together. This last week we also celebrated our 11 year anniversary and our 4 year temple anniversary. We have so much to be thankful for. It has been a busy two weeks and I am ready for a break until the girls' birthdays roll around in October.

*On a side note, Evan almost didn't make it to his 3rd birthday as he nearly drove my car into the neighbors house. That is for another post, and I am going running. I will try to post it tomorrow*

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our quick trip to Utah

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house on Friday afternoon. Check out Cade's blog for more about it.

We then met more family at Training Table for dinner.
I love her! My sweet Aunt Kathy:)

My sister Amy with Evan.

I love this pic!

Saturday was spent swimming at my parents condo and Cafe Rio for dinner while Bryce and Cade went to Mackay Idaho to fish (Cade is waiting for the pictures from Grandma Wilcox so he can blog about his trip. Be sure to check back on his blog for that). Then it was off to Kaysville and a visit with Great Grandma and Grandpa Kearl.
Later it was time for cousins. Katie and Haylee together again.

Raspberry picking in Grandpa's Garden.

Cade and Miles in the raspberry patch.

and a family game of HORSE

It was such a quick trip but we had a great time. We love you guys and hopefully we will see you again soon:)