Thursday, August 27, 2009

We must be crazy.....

Here is our newest addition to the family. This cute little puppy we named Sparks. Some guy at football practice asked Bryce if he wanted him, as he lives in the apartments across the street and couldn't keep him. So, I got a phone call seeking my approval. I said we would take him for a probationary period. The owner agreed and gave us his phone number. Well, here we are one week later, and he is definately a keeper. He is so sweet, and the kids LOVE him (sometimes too much, especially Kendal when she tries to carry him around by his neck:O

Spirit has been great with him, and patient when Sparks gets a little spunky and tries to mess with him. They are so cute when they play together.

I keep thinking we must be crazy... a house with 4 kids and two dogs can get very loud and very crazy at times, but I know I wouldn't want it any other way:)


Carrie said...

uh..yep! You're crazy. But I'll agree that he is pretty darn cute.

Faith said...

Ah, I don't think you're crazy, but then again we have three dogs! I miss you! I'll call you later.