Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Car Accident - A parents' worst Nightmare!

It's a good thing this one was fake! We all went to Bryce's school this weekend to volunteer. The graduating class of Medic's is working on their trauma senarios. We came with both of our cars, and set up an accident scene. Bryce and the boys T-boned my car that us girls were riding in. First, we started with the make-up.

Check out the gun shot wound in the background. They did a good job in the make up dept.

Then it was out to the scene.In the senario, Cade was put on the stretcher first, since he was in the front seat without a seatbelt. His head hit the windshield. I was pregnant, and my stomach hit the steering wheel, so I was freaking out about the baby. Haylee was a fatality in our car (which completely freaked me out each time I heard the different groups say that she was "gone". Not something a mom wants to hear, even if it is just fake. Anyway, my kids learned a lot about safety that day, and will probably never forget to put on a seatbelt again!
Haylee in her role. She liked it because all she had to do was sit like this, and not talk or respond to anyone Lol.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

What a great teaching event, but I must say I thought it was real to begin with! They did a great job on the make up!!