Friday, June 4, 2010


A couple of weekends ago, we went shooting with some friends out toward Mt. Charleston area. When we first arrived, the kids got out of the car, and they discovered this desert tortoise. They all were excited to see and touch it, and we were just glad we didn't run over it as we pulled up!

I ended up hating my gun - but loved shooting Bryce's. I think we will end up trading guns.

This was Cade's favorite gun to shoot.

It was Evan's too. Haylee also had a turn with it, but my camera had died by then.

It was such a fun day with the Lamberts and Hutchasons who went with us. Can't wait to do it again:)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

holy moly, Staci! You like a pro shooting that thing.

Haylee's graduation looks like quite the celebration. When I first starting reading that post, I was thinking "what?! haylee's not in school!" then I remembered she's older than Ty. Funny how it's hard to imagine them older when you never see them. Dang kids, all going and growing up on me.