Monday, June 28, 2010

Part 2:After surviving the HORRIBLE stomach bug...

We went to the park to eat popsicles

The older kids went exploring in the woods behind the park

The next afternoon, we decided we were alive enough to go to Boondocks in Kaysville. Kendal and I only stayed for Mini golf and bowling because I was still feeling sick:(

G-ma and G-pa came along with us

Kendal managed to hit a hole-in-one.. all by herself. She was the only one who got one!

We went inside to cool off and do some bowling - and watch the world cup while we were at it.

Later that day, everyone came to grandma's and grandpa's for dinner. The girls went out to pick strawberries from grandpa's garden

The boys played basketball..

and then it was time for more popsicles:)

Well, we survived the trip to Utah! Unfortunately, on our way home, we got a phone call from some of our friends who were coming over to take care of our dog. He said he opened our garage door to the house, and water came pouring out. Seriously?!! Apparently, our water line to the fridge had frozen and busted while we were gone. There was a couple of inches of water in our kitchen, office, bathroom, laundry room and down into the family room. There is tile in all of the rooms, except the office. We had to tear up the wood in there. The carpet in the family room also got wet, so we have to tear it out and replace the padding. Thankfully, we have some amazing friends - Mike and Al, who spent their entire Sunday cleaning most of it up so we would at least be able to walk in when we got home. I don't know what we would have done without those two! We were still up till after midnight tearing out baseboard, and spent most of the day today cleaning up as well. Between this and almost all of us getting the flu on vacation.. I think I need a vacation!


Smith Family- Puerto Rico Style said...

Terrible luck! Hope things are better now!

Johnson Family said...

Sorry, things didn't turned out as planned! We still enjoyed having you guys around for a few days. Good luck with your house.