Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our official summer kick-off

Even though we have been swimming and BBQing for over a month now, Memorial day is technically the 'official' kick off for summer.

Nothing says summer like these two cuties in their goggles:)

Of course, endless hours in the pool. On a side note, it looks like someone should jump in and rescue Kaycee who is face down with her floaties on. Not to worry, she is a little fish, and was just swimming away.

It just wouldn't be a pool party here without the dads taking turns to throw the kids in the pool.

I didn't get very good pictures of our water balloon fight. They were all throwing the balloons way too fast. Cade managed to get Bryce right in the chest with one - he was pretty proud of himself. All that football practice is paying off:)


Porters said...

I love the "action" shots of the kids getting thrown in! Fun!!

Jenkins Family said...

I love your backyard and pool it has to be so much fun! We can't wait to see you all and hopefully it will be in a month or so for the wedding. We love you and give your kiddos kisses from us all.

Johnson Family said...

Looks like a SPLASH, wish we could be a part of it!

Jori said...

Great pics! The kids were really catching some air. We really need to meet up at a park soon. Kaitlin would love to see Haylee.