Thursday, December 2, 2010

A day at Disneyland

Cade's football tournament (see post below) was only 15 minutes from Disneyland, so we went there on Saturday. His team was going to Magic Mountain on Sunday, so we were able to do this instead, which worked out perfect for us!

Kendal got to see the love of her life:) She still hasn't stopped talking about it! She loves Minnie.

She did the same thing as last time we were there in March. This was about another 30 second hug. We thought we may have to pry her off! Luckily, she let go on her own:)

Ready to go on Toy Story Mania - still our favorite ride!

It was FREEZING that night. I didn't get very many pictures because we were trying to keep Evan and Kendal warm and bundled in the strollers (well, that was before our strollers and blankets got stolen:( But, other than that, it was so fun to be there during the holiday season, to see all of the decorations, the christmas parade, and watch the fireworks set to christmas music (with rain pooring down). What can I say, we LOVE Disneyland!

1 comment:

Jori said...

I am loving that huge tree! Wow, we really need to get down there. I think that is SO cute how much Kendall loves Minnie.