Thursday, October 28, 2010

**These girls love to PARTY**

Haylee and Kendal celebrated their birthdays together. We did games, face painting, nail painting (with glow in the dark nail polish), decorated halloween cupcakes (which turned into a pretty messy cupcake fight) and then of course, presents. It was a fun filled, crazy, super girly birthday party that will not be forgotten!

Haylee and Nya threw in a few tricks as well.

I don't think it's possible for her to get any more girly.

These girls have some serious attitude!

I can't believe my baby is 3 and Haylee is 7. Where has the time gone? I loved them as babies, but love as they are growing up and their personalities shine (well, most of the time anyway:)


Smith Family- Puerto Rico Style said...

So cute! When did she grow up so fast? Hey I need to get in touch with Matt Haugh about some closing statements for the property he sold for my sister in law!

Smith Family- Puerto Rico Style said...

sorry- I got cut off but I wanted to ask if you had Matt or Faith's phone number?