Sunday, December 27, 2009

Las Vegas Bowl 2009

On our way to the game - waving our BYU flag

It was freezing that night.. we don't look too cold yet - I can tell we had just arrived. The way we looked by the end of the night was a different story. The wind was horrible! We were so bundled in sweatshirts,gloves, hats and blankets.
Usually they need people standing under the flag to keep it up. The winds were so strong it was doing the waving all on its own. The Army guys were struggling to hold onto it.

Halfway through the 4th quarter, Bryce and Cade decided to jump down onto the sideline. They figured the game was almost over, BYU was going to win, so if they got kicked out it wouldn't be such a big deal. As you can tell, no one even cared that they were there lol.

This was their view as they watched the last of the game.

They were one of the first to storm the field. They were right in the middle when the confetti came down. They were also able to get a bunch of picutres with the players.

After most everyone had left the game, and the players went to the locker room, we went over by the back door to the locker room to wait (yes we were still outside for another hour or so) to see Bronco and Max. When most of the players had come out, Bryce and Cade decided to walk around the barricade, and go wait in the locker room where it was warmer. Once again, no one said a word to them - they must have been able to sense a die hard cougar fan! Since it was safe, I also went in with them so my feet could defrost:)
First Max came out - he and Bryce talked for a few minutes. He signed Cade's wristband that Bronco gave him, and Bryce's shirt from the BYU vs. Oklahoma game.

Then Bronco came around the corner. Bryce held up the wristband and asked Bronco if it looked familiar. He got a big smile and said "it sure does". We talked for just a minute, and then Cade got a picutre with him, and thanked him for the wristband.
Cade said it was the best night of his life - I think it was Bryce's too!


Faith said...

Matt told me they got on they got on the sidelines that night. That is their too hilarious. What a memory! Makena and Matt were there too freezing, their booties off. Those are great pictures.

Jori said...

Wow! you guys did great! I'm going to have to show this post to Ryan he will be so jealous. We were watching it on t.v. and I went outside and about blew down the street, I was feeling bad for everyone at the game, it looks like it was all well worth the cold.

Carrie said...

That is SO cool! How fun for you guys... and it had to kind of make standing out in the freezing cold a little more worth it.