Monday, July 6, 2009

*Happy 4th of July*

We started the day off BBQing and swimming with friends, along with an intense game of football on the X-box between Bryce and Eric. Then it was nap time to get the kids ready for more friends coming over for dessert, night swimming and fireworks. It was a long day (everyone finally left our house around 11), but the kids loved every minute of it! It was an awesome day spent with lots of friends:)

When we tell Kendal to smile, she closes her eyes! I had to stop telling her to smile so I would have some pictures with her eyes open.

I love this cute dog of ours!

Evan and Kendal holding cute!

Haylee all decked out with her bow, shirt and flip flops! We love the 4th around here!

Haylee with her favorite babysitter Leah.

Getting ready to watch the fireworks

I'm not sure what this sad face is for.. but it's cute anyway.


Laura Z said...

Kendal is so big! It's always with the youngest of my friends' kids that I notice how long it's been since I've seen them!
Looks like your 4th was great!

Smith Family- Puerto Rico Style said...

Where did the time go? It looks like great summer fun.
Miss you guys!

Johnson Family said...

The pictures are great, sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!

QnA Drapers said...

those kids are getting so big- they are adorable! we'll miss you guys this 24th!

Ingrid said...

Cute pictures! It has been way to long since we've seen you. We will be looking for you on Saturday. I can't believe Kendal. I think she is looking so much like Haylee.

sarah donaldson said...

Your kids are so cute! I think your baby looks just like Bryce and Evan looks just like you.

Jori said...

Your kids have gotten so big! I love your new banner picture. Very cute! We will have to get cupcakes and meet at the park soon.:)