Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Check out what I wake up to each morning...

No, it's not my cute husband. He leaves by 5, and I can't drag myself to wake up that early. So instead, this is what I wake up to. I seriously love my yard. I can't decide if we spend more time outside or in. I would be willing to bet it's outside.
Now, for those who are not in Vegas, you're probably thinking what's the big deal! Well, it's not too common to have all of these blooms in the desert. We'll see how much longer they last. Not too much can survive the 110+ temps all summer.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I took the kids (by myself, once again) to get the kids pictures taken. I do this every year to update my wall. They did great, and were all in such good moods. After we were done, we went and met Bryce for lunch near his work. I didn't have a change of clothes for the kids, so they ended up playing in the McDonalds play place in these clothes:O

Here are a few of my favorites...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our new look

After our trip to Utah last month, Cade started complaining he was having a hard time seeing things. I (being the great mom that I am, lol) thought it was all because he saw his cousins with glasses, and he wanted to look just like them. Well, I finally decided we both needed our eyes checked, and sure enough, we both ended up with glasses.

Easter Sunday

Sunday we started off hunting for baskets and eggs that the Easter bunny hid. Then we were off to church, and I completely forgot to get pictures of them:0

After church, some of our friends (and their girls who babysit for us) came over for a bbq. The kids colored easter eggs,roasted marshmallows over our fire pit and made smores. The kids ended up having a good old fashioned water fight out by the pool.

I love this time of year, and am so thankful for the sacrifice and love of our Savior.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's that time of year again

Football season already?? Well, not really. However, neither Bryce or Cade could wait until the fall, so they searched and found the NYFL league that plays in the spring. So, off we are again to live at the football fields. If you need to get ahold of us, just call our cell phones - as we will either be at the 3 night a week practice, Saturday games, or just in the back yard or park tossing the ball..... Football season has once again taken over our family - and we are loving it.