Monday, December 28, 2009

A few highlights from Christmas

The kids making their cards to leave for Santa with the cookies they made.

We usually leave Gatorade instead of milk. This year we didn't have any, so the kids wanted to leave him some of dad's Mountain Dew. Instead of carrots, they left 'nilla wafers. At least we do leave him cookies lol.

The kids on Christmas morning in their new jammies. Kendal had fallen right before this and was in my arms screaming when I took this picture:(

The kids reading the letter Santa had written back to them.

Kendal on her cell phone with Minnie Mouse while she plays on the computer:)

Evan was so excited when he opened this - he just kept yelling "My very own golf course" over and over. So cute.

Cade with a couple of his new x-box and Wii games.

This is what my mantel in our living room looks like.

This is what the picture now looks like, close up. For Christmas, Bryce had this vinyl lettering made, and added to the picture. It's very subtle, and looks like it was there all along. I love it! Thanks babe!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Las Vegas Bowl 2009

On our way to the game - waving our BYU flag

It was freezing that night.. we don't look too cold yet - I can tell we had just arrived. The way we looked by the end of the night was a different story. The wind was horrible! We were so bundled in sweatshirts,gloves, hats and blankets.
Usually they need people standing under the flag to keep it up. The winds were so strong it was doing the waving all on its own. The Army guys were struggling to hold onto it.

Halfway through the 4th quarter, Bryce and Cade decided to jump down onto the sideline. They figured the game was almost over, BYU was going to win, so if they got kicked out it wouldn't be such a big deal. As you can tell, no one even cared that they were there lol.

This was their view as they watched the last of the game.

They were one of the first to storm the field. They were right in the middle when the confetti came down. They were also able to get a bunch of picutres with the players.

After most everyone had left the game, and the players went to the locker room, we went over by the back door to the locker room to wait (yes we were still outside for another hour or so) to see Bronco and Max. When most of the players had come out, Bryce and Cade decided to walk around the barricade, and go wait in the locker room where it was warmer. Once again, no one said a word to them - they must have been able to sense a die hard cougar fan! Since it was safe, I also went in with them so my feet could defrost:)
First Max came out - he and Bryce talked for a few minutes. He signed Cade's wristband that Bronco gave him, and Bryce's shirt from the BYU vs. Oklahoma game.

Then Bronco came around the corner. Bryce held up the wristband and asked Bronco if it looked familiar. He got a big smile and said "it sure does". We talked for just a minute, and then Cade got a picutre with him, and thanked him for the wristband.
Cade said it was the best night of his life - I think it was Bryce's too!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Haylee's Dance Recital

This cute little girl loves to dance!

She is the 3rd one in from the right.

Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Patricia. She has been in her class for the last 2 years now, and loves her. Haylee is pretty excited that her teacher is going to have a baby in a few weeks, a girl that she can teach to dance.

We went to dinner after the recital. Since it was her day, we let Haylee choose where we went to eat.

Gotta love these crazy kids- This is what I get when I tell them to smile at me... at least Kendal learned how to open her eyes for the camera!

Our waitress insisted on taking a picture of us. Every time she came to the table she would offer. It took a few times, but finally she got all of us looking at the camera at the same time - shocking!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Our family = Missionaries

About 3 years ago, Bryce met a guy at work named Tony. He was working for the flooring company as their forman. They became friends. He found out that he and his family were baptised about 6 years ago. They had a bad experience with a family in their ward, and stopped going to church. They had no desire to go back when we first met them. Over time, we started talking to them more and more about the church. Finally, a few months ago, they called and asked if they could come to church with us. That same day after church, Bryce gave Tony a blessing, as he was getting ready for major back surgery later that week. When he was done, everyone in the room was in tears. It was such an incredible thing to witness the power of the priesthood, especially with this family.

They have since started going to their own ward, and are starting the temple prep classes. We have had them over several times for dinner, and have been to their house for FHE with the missionaries. One night, we were talking and they were saying how they would love to take their girls to Temple Square to see the lights. Since we have family up there we could stay with, we all decided to make it a road trip. So, that is what we did this weekend. Thanks mom and dad for letting us take over your house for the weekend.

I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of Tony and Brenda on my camera, just their girls:) We went to see the Joseph Smith movie, walked around temple square, went to the visitors center, and saw a choir sing from Dixie State College. Their family had such a great time. We're glad we had this opportunity to go with them.

Now, check out Cade's blog here for the story on how he managed to get this wristband from BYU's head coach Bronco Mendenhall. Thanks mom, you are awesome (even if you are a UTE fan:)


During our QUICK trip to Utah, we stopped for a few minutes (literally) at Grandma and Grandpa Wilcox's house. The kids threw on some snow clothes, and went out to make the most of it.

Is anyone really surprised that Cade carved a Y in the snow??

They had so much fun - too bad it was such a short amount of time:(