Friday, October 31, 2008

Kendal's 1st birthday!

Kendal's birthday was on the 23rd. I tried to put the same birthday princess hat on her that Haylee wore for her first birthday. She wasn't too excited about it, and kept pulling it off. It wasn't much of a party because Cade had football practice that night, so we decided to just go with ice cream sandwiches. Kendal was still pretty excited about it, and the older kids were too!

She wasn't too sure what to do with it at first......
But soon enough she figured it out...

It has been a wild ride for the last year with 4 kids (and two so close together) but we survived, and are loving it! Kendal is so sweet, and has such a fun personality. It will be interesting to see what this next year brings with her now walking and starting to talk (maybe she can teach Evan a few words:)

1 comment:

Magnificent Myers said...

Looks like you guys have had an eventful Fall. We'd love to see you sometime!