Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just some random pics of what we have been up to

Cade wrote and illustrated a story for the PBS Young Writers and Illustrators contest. He got a certificate of achievement that he was pretty proud of!

The first game of the season he was the goalie. He stopped a couple of balls from getting by him.

Haylee's preschool class on one of their field trips. They went to Plant World, but her favorite part was the cat that lives there. Evan was pretty into the cat too, he kept following it wherever it would go.

Just another typical day with Evan. He loves to wear hats, always has, and princess crowns are no exception. This was during dinner time last week. He actually managed to eat with it on, upside down, like it was no big deal. His little personality just cracks us up!

I can't believe how fast our little Kendal is growing up. She is 6 months old now, and is all over the place. She isn't crawling, but she can roll and move her little body to whatever it is she wants.

1 comment:

Amber and Co. said...

Cute pictures! Kendal is so pretty just like Haylee. I love the picture of Evan wearing the princess crown, what a crack-up.