Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Giants and the Jets

This past weekend Cade had his last football game of the season. He LOVES playing tackle football, and is such a football junkie. He and Bryce both have fantasy football teams this year, and right now, Cade's is actually doing better than Bryce's:0

The airshow was this last weekend at Nellis AFB. Bryce's company is building a high school right near the base, so we went up there with some friends. We BBQ'd for lunch, and had an awesome view of the airshow - for free!

The kids thought it was pretty cool they were flying through the rainbow...

I had a few other good pictures, but can't get them to upload right now. I'll try it again later.

1 comment:

Johnson Family said...

The boys think Cade looks pretty cool all decked out in his football gear--you look awesome, except why in the world are you wearing RED!