Thursday, November 20, 2008

A rivalry song for the BYU/Utah game this weekend

This is too funny, just click on the link below...... Go Cougs!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Giants and the Jets

This past weekend Cade had his last football game of the season. He LOVES playing tackle football, and is such a football junkie. He and Bryce both have fantasy football teams this year, and right now, Cade's is actually doing better than Bryce's:0

The airshow was this last weekend at Nellis AFB. Bryce's company is building a high school right near the base, so we went up there with some friends. We BBQ'd for lunch, and had an awesome view of the airshow - for free!

The kids thought it was pretty cool they were flying through the rainbow...

I had a few other good pictures, but can't get them to upload right now. I'll try it again later.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Trick-or-Treating (Part 2)

Sorry it took so long for me to post the second part of Halloween, it's been a crazy week. This was Halloween night, and we seriously have the coolest neighborhood! The streets were packed, and there was even a haunted house. The kids loved going door to door, and it didn't take Evan long to grasp the concept of free candy!

Haylee and her friend Claudia who lives down the street.

We thought this costume was so hillarious, we had to get a picture of it. We still laugh when we see it.