Monday, September 15, 2008

Cade's baptism (Part 1)

Cade was so excited to get baptised. He was a little nervous right before, but he did great. We are so proud of him. He is such a great kid, and an awesome big brother. Here is a funny story that probably wont surpise any of you that know Evan well. When Evan saw Bryce and Cade in the water, he was frantically trying to get his socks and shoes off! Thankfully there was a big group of kids separating him and the water, or he would have joined them (he probably would have done a cannon ball, just for fun).

After the baptism, we went to the temple with Bryce's parents, and Chris and Adriel.


Ingrid said...

Congratulations Cade! It sounds like it was a great day. I love the story about Evan. That would have been memorable.

Amber and Co. said...

Yay Cade! What an awesome day to have Bryce baptize Cade! How fun to have your family come into town and get to have a good time!

Jer & Di said...

What a great an wonderful day...can you believe you have an 8 year old Cub Scout Staci Sue, I surely can't?!
I am so thrilled for all of you..wish we saw you more often...or at all!!!

Johnson Family said...

Congratulations Cade! Sounds like a wonderful day, wish we could have been there. Ryan is even more excited for his turn now that he's seen your pictures.