Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

Since we didn't get Christmas cards sent out this year (shocking, I know!) for the first time since we moved to Vegas, this pretty much sums it up.......

The kids opened their new pajamas on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, they were so excited to see Santa brought them a new swing set, along with some toys. Cade got a ton of BYU stuff, and he kept saying this was the best christmas ever! Haylee got her own scrapbook kit, and can't wait to scrapbook with me. Evan was completely content sitting in his new saucer chair eating smarties while the other kids opened their presents. Kendal pretty much slept the whole time in my arms.
We have so much to be thankful for this time of year, especially with all that has happened lately. The Lord has blessed our lives in so many ways, and we truly count our blessings each day. We hope each of you had a wonderful christmas, and we are grateful for your love and friendship!


Mike&JenFamily said...

Way fun swing set!! It was good to see you guys at Costco. Your kids are so cute. Ash does dance at Kids in Motion on Tenaya/Craig. Call me for more info if you need.

Jer & Di said...

Happy New Year you guys...I can't believe you are a family of 6! Life is great, isn't it? We love you!!!