Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Harlem Shake- Wilcox Style

Because what else do you do on the weekends??
(Make sure you watch it full screen to really get the full effect. You wouldn't want to miss one second of this...) Ok, or maybe you would!

Easter 2012

This is the only picture I took. I was S.I.C.K....
Worse than I have been in years. But, we did manage to color easter eggs, I think anyway. I was so drugged up on cold medicine, I barely remember. Good thing I took a picture for proof.

Spring Break- Hiking at Red Rock

We decided to go to Red Rock during spring break. My original plan was to go to the kids Discovery trail. When we got there, the kids all saw the huge rocks for hiking, and said the kids trail was for babies! Seriously -my 'babies' are growing up way too fast! It turned out to be a gorgeous day for a hike and slurpees:) I'm not sure I'm ready for these kids to all be growing up so fast, but it sure is fun spending days like these with my 'grown up' kiddos! 

Tumbling Performance 1/13


Sweet dinner for the Loves of my life

I love doing themed dinners for the holidays, but Valentines is definitely my favorite! My parents were here this year to celebrate, so that made it that much more sweet:) Hope this cute family of mine knows just how much I love them!

Christmas 2012

Before and after Cade's hospital stay (see post below) we managed to squeeze in some fun time. We went to see the live nativity with my parents. It was beautiful, and brought such an amazing spirit in. It is such a blessing to be able to take the family to see something like this. It just helps make the story that much more real.

They got to open their presents from my parents early this year.

Then it was off to see Santa at the ward christmas party with friends:)

Christmas Eve cookie baking, and opening one present from mom and dad. Jammies as always. It's no fun when the kids are old enough that they know what it is before they even see it! Lol

Of course, we had to say goodbye to this cute little guy:( We always miss him when he heads back to the north pole. Kendal pretty much cried herself to sleep in my arms on Christmas eve because she was missing him. Poor girl. The kids sure do love this cute little elf!

Ruptured appendix- SCARY!

In December, Cade got sick after our ward christmas party. Then next day he still wasn't feeling well. That night, I went to work. Bryce called me at 3am and said he was taking Cade to the hospital and that he had been throwing up blood. I left work right away, and met them there. It was scary. He was throwing up blood (lots of it) and in severe pain. After giving him some really strong anti-nausea and pain medication, and then running some tests, they determined his appendix had ruptured, and he needed to be transported via ambulance to Summerlin Hospital for surgery by a pediatric surgeon. Bryce went home to be with the other kids. I stayed and tried to get short intervals of 10-15 minutes of sleep that I could, while sitting up in a chair. It didn't really work. He finally went in for surgery that afternoon. Once he was done, the surgeon had said his abdomen was so full of puss, it had to be washed out really good. They were so worried about infection, he stayed in the hospital for another week on triple IV antibiotics. This was right before christmas, and the week of finals for Bryce. Needless to say, one of the most stressful, scary weeks of our lives! I am so thankful we had so many amazing friends to step in and help with kids and bring us meals. We couldn't have survived that week without them. Thankfully, he fully recovered without any complications. He gave us all a big scare! I love this kid and am so grateful everything turned out ok:)

Annual Homeless gift bag deliveries

We do this every year at Christmas time, and the we all love it! We put together bags with toiletries and also add in some treats, and fresh baked cookies. The kids really enjoy being able to bring a smile to someone's face who is less forunate that we are. It's also a good lesson for all of us, when we think about how hard life has been over the last few years, we are still blessed with so much more than many people out there.