Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August happenings at the Wilcox house

On August 13th, we celebrated our 3 year temple sealing anniversary. On the 14th, we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary! We went to Fix at the Bellagio for dinner (which was awesome) and then we went to see "O" Cirque Du Soleil, the water show. I can't believe we have lived here for 6 years and haven't ever seen it. I seriously have the best husband... I love you babe!
Thanks to Josh for watching the boys, and Faith and Matt for watching the girls (Haylee still loves to tell me about how she put Roxy to sleep:)

Our nephew Josh came to stay with us at the beginning of the month. Bryce took him golfing at Silverstone Ranch, and then we all went out to Apex on our 4-wheelers. We also spent the week swimming, roasting marshmallows for smores over our bonfire by the pool, and then the boys ended the trip by going to the Adventure Dome before taking Josh to the airport. It was fun to have him here, although I'm sure he doesn't miss Cade hanging over him every second of the day!

Next was Cade's 8th birthday (well, actually Bryce's was the day before Cade's - he's the big 29) and it started out as a pool party. As you can see by the pictures, it ended up being one huge water fight. The kids (and Bryce) had a blast. Speaking of a blast, I made a rocketship cake. It turned out pretty cool, and the kids were oohhhing and aahhhing when we lit the candles that made it look like it was ready to blast off.

Then was Evan's 2nd birthday. I can't believe my crazy little man is 2! There is never a dull moment with him (literally, he keeps me going non-stop all day long)! Notice he did start out his birthday with clothes on, but after the cupcake (seriously one cupcake, and he managed to get it everywhere) he finished out his party with just a diaper on.

On Monday, it was off to Cade's first day of 2nd grade. It was also a new school for him. He was pretty excited, and despite all of the craziness we encountered that morning, he did great. He is loving his new school, and his new teacher. Now if only he could pronounce and spell her last name....Krzmarzick. He did tell me today that he is getting better at remembering it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Meet the newest member of our family...

This is Spirit. We got him this weekend from a rescue organization. He was abandoned by his family when they moved out of their house in March. The people who rescued him named him Spirit, because that is all that was left of him at the time. He was just skin and bones. He is a 1 year old Shiba Inu mix. He is completely house trained (yeah!!), and he also is very mellow and sweet. He loves to play fetch, and has been so well trained and cared for by the people in the rescue organization. He was also enrolled in a Pups on Parole program, where the dogs spend many days with women out at the Jean Correctional facility. These women work with them on their commands, and play with them during the day. It seems to be a pretty cool program that has been really successful.
The kids love him, and we are just working to gain his trust. Cade takes him on AT LEAST 3 walks a day down the walking trail in our neighborhood. He is a very cool dog, and we are so glad we ended up with him.

On a side note, remember I posted a picture of our backyard right when we had moved in, and there was no grass. This first picture of Spirit also works as an update of our backyard.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Bryce is doing well recovering from his knee surgery. He tore a ligament in his knee while taking his MMA (mixed martial arts) classes at the Warrior training center. He loved training there, and he got to meet a lot of the big name fighters. For you UFC fans - that included current champion Forest Griffen.